
Office 目录

A : B : C : D : E : F : G : H : I : J : K : L : M : N : O : P : Q : R : S : T : U : V : W : x: y: z


Academic Affairs
(812)-237-2304 |
  Alumni Association, Office of
(812)-237-6100 |
  Arts and Sciences, College of
(812)-237-2411 |
Accounting, Finance, Insurance, Risk 管理, 部门 of
(812)-237-2112 |
  Assessment Center
Administrative Placement
  Applied 工程 and 技术 管理, 部门 of
(812)-237-3377 |
  Athletic Academic Advisement
招生, Office of
(812)-237-2121 |
  Applied Health Sciences, 部门 of
(812)-237-3079 |
  Athletic Media Relations Office
(812)-237-4160 |
Adult and Career Education Program
  Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation, 部门 of
(812)-237-8470 |
(812)-237-4040 |
Advanced Manufacturing 管理 Program
  Archaeology and Quaternary Research Laboratory
  Audiology Clinic (Rowe Center for Communicative Disorders)
Affirmative Action Office
(812)-237-8954 |
(812)-237-3640 / 812-877-8260
  Aviation 技术, 部门 of
(812)-237-2641 |
African American Cultural Center, Charles E. 棕色(的)
(812)-237-3811 |
  Art and Design, 部门 of
(812)-237-3697 |
  Applied Clinical and Educational Sciences, 部门 of
(812)-237-2880 | 
Air Force ROTC Center for Aerospace Studies
(812)-237-2657 |
  Art Gallery, University


Bayh College of Education
(812)-237-3131 |
  书店, University
  Business, Scott College of
(812)-237-2000 |
Biology, 部门 of
(812)-237-2400 |
  Budget, Payroll, Risk 管理
(812)-237-3533 |
  Business Affairs, Finance, University Treasurer
(812)-237-2372 |
  Built Environment, 部门 of
(812)-237-3532 |
  Business Engagement Center
(812)-237-2536 |
Blumberg Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
(812)-237-2830 |
(812)-237-5371 |
  Bursar Operations
Business 本科 Programs
  Board of Trustees Liaison Office


校园 Ministries
  Commuter Student 服务
  Center for Unmanned Systems and Human Capital
校园 Recreation
(812)-237-3852 |
  Chemistry and Physics, 部门 of
(812)-237-2239 / (812)-237-2240 | 
  Conferences and Events 服务
  Child Care Center
  Construction 管理 Program
(812)-237-5000 |
  教室 & Event 技术 Support
  Controller, Office of the
(812)-237-3535 | 
Center for Bat Research, Outright, Conservation
  Closing/Cancellation Line
  Counseling Center
(812)-237-3939 | 
Center for Community Engagement
(812)-237-2334 |
  Cognitive 技术
(812)-237-2451 / (812)-237-2456
  Credit Union, Indiana State University Federal
Center for Economic Education
  College Challenge
(812)-237-2670 | 
  Criminology and Security Studies, School of
(812)-237-2192 | 
Center for Genomic Advocacy
  Criminology, Institution of
Center for Global Engagement
(812)-237-2440 |
  Communication, 部门 of
(812)-237-3244 / (812)-237-3245 | 
Center for Remote Sensing and GIS
  Communications and Marketing, Office of (见 University Marketing)
(812)-237-3773 | 
  Cunningham Memorial 图书馆
(812)-237-3700 | 
Center for Student Research and Creativity
  Community School of the Arts
(812)-237-2528 | 
  Center for Student Success
(812)-237-2700 | 


Dean of 学生 Office
(812)-237-2345 | 
  多样性, Office of
(812)-237-2877 |
  Development, Division of
(812)-237-6100 |


Early Childhood Education Center
(812)-237-2547 |
  Electronics and Computer 工程 技术, 部门 of
(812)-237-3456 | 
  Environmental Geology Laboratory
Earth and Environmental Systems, 部门 of
(812)-237-2444 |
  Employee Assistance Program
  Environmental Health and 安全, Office of
Economics, 部门 of
(812)-237-2160 | 
  English, 部门 of
(812)-237-3163 / (812)-237-3160 | 
  Equal Opportunity Office
(812)-237-8954 | 
Education, Bayh College of
(812)-237-2888 | 
  工程 & 技术, Bailey College of
  Enrollment 管理
  Educational Leadership, 部门 of
(812)-237-2900 | 
  Enrollment 管理, Vice Provost for
(812)-237-3560 | 
Extended Learning
(812)-237-2345 | 



Facilities 管理
(812)-237-8100 |
  Folklore Archives
  基金会al Studies Program
教师 Center for Teaching Excellence
  Folklore Historian
  Fraternities and Sororities
教师 Senate Office
(812)-237-3007 |
  基金会, Indiana State University
(812)-237-6100 | 
(800)-841-4744 | 
  基金会, Indiana State University, Indianapolis


General Counsel
(812)-237-4141 |
  GIS Cartography Laboratory
  Government Relations, Office of
Gender Studies Program
  Global Engagement, Center for
(812)-237-2440 | 
  研究生 and Professional Studies, College of
(812)-237-3005 | 
Geochemistry Laboratories
  Gongaware Center for Insurance and Financial 服务


Health and Human 服务, College of
(812)-237-3683 |
  历史, 部门 of
(812)-237-2710 |
(812)-237-3770 | 
健康中心, Student
  荣誉项目, University
(812)-237-3225 |
  Hulman Memorial Student Union
(812)-237-3999 | 
Help Desk Call Center, OIT
  Hoosier Folklore Society
  Human Resource Development and Performance Technologies, 部门 of
  Housing, Office of University
  Human 资源
(812)-237-4114 | 


Indiana Principal Leadership Institute
  Institutional Research, Office of
(812)-237-2305 |
  国际 Studies Program
Indiana Statesman
  Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  ISU Educational Development Council
Indiana State University Magazine
  Instructional and Information 技术, College of Education
(812)-237-2922 / (812)-237-2921
  ISU Today/Special Announcements
Indiana University School of Medicine - Terre Haute
(812)-237-2777 / (812)-237-4108 |
  Intercollegiate 体育运动
  ISU/Wabash Valley Small Business Development
(812)-237-7676 | 
Information 技术, Office of
(812)-237-8439 |
  Interdisciplinary Programs
(812)-237-2713 |
Institute for Community Sustainability
(812)-232-8502 |
  Interlink Language Center


Kinesiology, Recreation, Sport, 部门 of


Language, Literature, Linguistics
(812)-237-2366 |
  Leadership Wabash Valley
Landsbaum Center for Health Education
  Liberal Studies


管理, Information Systems, Business Education
(812)-237-2086 |
  数学ematics/Computer Science
(812)-237-2130 | 
  Multidisplinary Studies
Marketing, University (见 University Marketing)
(812)-237-3773 | 
  Men's 篮球 Office
(812)-237-4002 | 
  Music, School of
(812)-237-2771 | 
Masters of Business 政府
College of Business - (812)-237-2000


New Student Transition Programs
(812)-237-8200 |
  Nursing, 研究生
(888)-293-4842 opt 3
  Nursing, 校园 BSN
(888)-293-4842 opt 1
North Central Association (now AdvancED Indiana)
  Nursing, 在线 BSN
(888)-293-4842 option 2
  Nursing, School of


Office of the 总统
(812)-237-4000 |
  Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of the Provost
(812)-237-2309 |
  在线 Learning


停车 服务
  Porter School Psychology Center
  Provost, Vice Provost for Enrollment 管理
(812)-237-3560 | 
Permanent Collection
(812)-237-4334 |
  总统 of ISU 基金会
  Psychology 部门
(812)-237-2445 | 
Philosophy 部门
(812)-237-2713 | 人
  Professional Development Schools Program
(812)-237-5555 | 
Physical Therapy and Sports Rehabilitation Clinic
(812)-237-9613 |
  Provost, Vice 总统 of Academic Affairs and Provost
(812)-237-2304 | 
  Purchasing and Receiving
(812)-237-3600 | 
Political Science 部门
(812)-237-2430 |


Recreational Sports 部门
(812)-237-4097 |
  注册商, Office of the
(812)-237-2020 |
  Residence Halls
Main Office - (812)-237-3993 |
布隆伯格大厅 - (812)-237-6641
Burford大厅 - (812)-237-5371 |
克伦威尔大厅 -(812)-237-6611
海恩斯厅 - (812)-237-5666
琼斯大厅 - (812)-237-5777
Lincoln Quadrangles - (812)-237-5888 |
米尔斯大厅 - (812)-237-5999
Pickerl大厅 - (812)-237-6111
terry Rhoads大厅 - (812)-237-6222
Sandison大厅 - (812)-237-6333 |


Science Education Center
(812)-237-3010 |
  Student 健康中心
  Social Work 部门
(812)-237-3611 |
Student Activities and Organizations
(812)-237-3852 |
  Student Health Promotion
  Sociology 部门
Student Affairs
(812)-237-3888 |
  Student Housing 服务
  Sodexo Catering Service
餐厅 服务 - 812-237-4138
Student Conduct and Integrity
(812)-812-237-3800 |
  Student Recreation Center
(812)-237-4097 |
  Sports Information Office
Student Counseling Center
(812)-237-3939 |
(812)-237-4151 |
Student Family Housing
  Sycamore Outdoor Center
  Student Research and Creativity, Center for
(812)-237-2246 |


Teaching and Learning, 部门 of
(812) 237-2840 | 
  Telecommunications and Networking 服务
  Tilson Music Hall
技术, Bailey College of 工程 & 
(812)-237-3166 |
  Theater 部门
(812)-237-3331 | 
  21st Century Scholars


University Archives
  University Marketing
(812)-237-3773 | 
  University Scholarship Office
University College
(812)-237-3940 |
  University Police
  University 测试 Office
University Hall Clinic
  University Publications
  Upward Bound Program


Veteran's Education Benefits Program
  Video Production
Vice 总统 for Student Affairs
(812)-237-3888 |


West Central Indiana - Area Health Education Center
(812)-237-9688 |
  WISU-FM 89.7电台
Studio Line - (812)-237-3690
办公室 - (812)-237-3252
News/Sports - (812)-237-3255
Fax - (812)-237-8365
  Women's Studies Program
West Central Indiana Business Development
  Women's 篮球 Office
(812)-237-8357 |